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POLL: Do you love or hate the strong winds?

Windy weather can make us feel healthy and alive – it can also make us feel crazy and even depressed.

As the spring westerlies pick up over the country we wanted to know what you think – vote in our poll!


imran on 9/03/2023 8:05pm

so i love strong winds they make me feel so powerful

WW Forecast Team on 9/03/2023 8:58pm

Hope you live in Wellington then 🙂
– WW

Blair on 24/10/2013 5:30am

The worst are the strong northerly winds. It means you have the horrible wind sound but stinkin hot weather. You can’t enjoy the heat because of the wind, you can’t open up the house to cool it down because everything blows over and doors slam all the time so you close up the house and it gets really hot inside.
So really there is no good use for strong winds.

Hayden on 18/09/2011 5:33am

Being outdoors on the farm all day everyday means that windy days are especially tiring. They drain your energy levels and its amazing how much wind burn you get! After a week of wind, it usually gets pretty depressing!

Melissa on 15/09/2011 4:17am

Only weather thing I hate is the wind! Makes me cranky, no good for my gardening  or for whitebaiting as you tend to do a bit of  a Mary Poppins with your net it a gust catches you off guard! Wind is only good for drying your washing or clearing drizzly clouds.

Tania Wilkinson on 14/09/2011 10:30pm

I for one love the wind.  Everytime we get an extra strong gust of wind I run to the weather station on the wall to see what it registered as.  Then if it is really exciting I’ll go out and stand in the full force of it.  It is exilerating, wildly exciting – makes you feel alive.  Good strong winds are almost as exciting as a decent, loud thunderstorm  🙂

sw on 14/09/2011 10:06pm

Also directions can make a difference,depending on local condtions,rain exposure/cloud cover and trees downwind.

RW on 14/09/2011 8:11pm

Not crazy about it, but to me it’s far less important than rainfall and sunshine considerations, especially the sunshine.

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