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International weather quiz

This quiz is one with an international flavour. How many do you think you can answer?
We’ll provide the answers in a few hours.

1/ Which one of these revolving weather systems is the smallest: hurricane, typhoon, tropical cyclone, tornado?
2/ Aside of the amusing reference popularised by Frank Zappa, what is the usual cause of a large-scale ‘yellow snow’ weather effect seen in certain parts of the world?
3/ What is the line on a weather chart which joins points of equal pressure?
4/ What colour of a single rainbow is on the inside of the rainbow’s arc, given the generally defined seven-colour rainbow?
5/ Who invented the mercury thermometer?
6/ Okta is a unit of measurement of what?
7/ What common term refers to the amount of water vapour that is held in the air?
8/ Treasure Island author Robert Louis Stevenson’s father was responsible for what significant weather-related invention?
9/ What shipping forecast area lies immediately South of Forties off the British Isles?
10/ What common term refers to the movement of air from a high pressure to a low pressure zone?
11/ What is O3 (O followed by the number 3, usually shown in sub-script)?
12/ What wind speed limit applies for setting athletics sprinting and jumping records?
13/ What were all girls from 1953 to 1979, and thereafter alternating boys and girls?
14/ What is the circulating Atlantic ocean current which warms Western Europe?
15/ What’s the more exotic name of the ‘Northern Lights’ visible under certain conditions in the Northern Hemisphere night sky?
16/ What is a haboob?
17/ What is the childlike name given to the significant weather activity linked to sea temperature rise in the Pacific Ocean?
18/ What are the narrow bands of strong winds called which move around the world between about six and twelve miles high?
19/ What is the unit of measurement of wind speed?
20/ What is the ‘ology’ term for the study or science of the weather (that’s short-term weather systems and effects, not long-term climatology)?



Melissa on 8/08/2010 10:19pm

You managed one more correct answer than me sarah, I only got 12 right! Love these weather quiz’s. Keep them coming weather watch team!

Sarah B on 7/08/2010 10:12pm

Without googling I can answer 13 ….. not very good :o(

WW Forecast Team on 7/08/2010 10:33pm

We think that’s pretty good actually Sarah without taking any shortcuts!



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