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World Cup Parade weather for 3 centres

Auckland should enjoy dry and quite warm conditions this afternoon for the crowds lining the streets as the victory parade gets underway for the All Blacks.

Thousands are expected to revel in the atmosphere in the celebrations of the number one rugby team in the world this afternoon.

Christchurch gets to share in the glory tomorrow when the All Blacks arrive in the Garden city and ending up ion Hagley Park.
However the weather may not quite come to the party with a southerly expected to deliver some rain and cooler temeperatures near the midday mark.

Wellington sees the Webb Ellis Trophy on Wednesday and conditions are also likely to be cool and showery and possibly a gusty southerly will also be moving through the city.

Nothing weather related should dampen the spirit of the victorious All Blacks this week as they take it to the streets of the big 3 main centres and we’ll keep you updated on the likely weather scenarios.


sw on 24/10/2011 1:56am

A southerly in the capital? looks a N-NW flow to me the next 2-3 days.Anyway it be wet by the looks because of a slow moving front if the southerly hasnt arrived.

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