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What needs to happen for temps to reach 20 degrees today?

A warmer than usual air flow for late July is currently moving over the North Island and some parts of the South Island. While some of the warmest air actually passed over New Zealand during the coldest time of the day (overnight last night) there are some chances today of temperatures climbing over 20 degrees.

Unofficially some weather stations across the country are already hovering close to 20 degrees, for example in Gisborne.

But for places to hit the 20 degree mark today what needs to happen?  Basically three things need to align:

  • 1) A north to north west breeze
  • 2) Sunny skies/long sunny spells
  • 3) Early to mid afternoon

If those three things combine then there is a good chance we’ll see the mercury nudge 20 degrees in a few parts of the North Island. Being inland, or in more eastern areas, will also help lift the temperatures more. Certainly not locked in though – with so many moving parts to the weather today.

You can view many weather stations across New Zealand here: (and coming soon to WeatherWatch & our App!)

Meanwhile in Otago the start of the strong winds has moved in with gusts on the ranges to 123km/h recently.

– Image / 10am temperature map



Zelda Wynn on 22/07/2016 10:42pm

Flecks of rain NNW; low clouds smothering West Auckland. Damp humid weather at present.

Getting brighter in New Lynn as I urge the NW wind to increase.

Cloud cloud blow away, come back another day!

WW Forecast Team on 22/07/2016 11:08pm

Yes interesting comment Zelda, the heavy low cloud could shave 3 or 4 degrees off the potential high in some areas!

Should be brighter spots this afternoon which will see pockets of warmer weather.

Enjoy your Saturday!



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