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Weather headlines for Sunday / Monday

Here’s what is making the weather headlines this weekend.



Eastern regions are cloudy, east to northeasterly winds for the eastern South Island and southeasterly winds for the eastern North Island. A few light showers or drizzle patches possible, mainly about the eastern North Island. The western North Island has a mainly sunny day then later on cloud develops for Coromandel through to eastern Northland bringing a shower or two. The West Coast has a mostly cloudy day too, perhaps more in the form of mid and high level cloud, light showers for South Westland later in the day.


Morning cloud breaks for the eastern North Island then mostly sunny with northeasterly winds, sun and some high cloud out west with a few light showers at times Coromandel northwards especially in the east. Cloudy for the West Coast of the South Island with showers, more so later in the day. In the east expect high cloud and some sun at times after morning lower level cloud breaks away. Winds from the northeast.


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